Weddings at St. Joseph



Welcome to St. Joseph Church. Thank you for your interest in celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in this sacred and historic church.  All information is provided below.

The Catholic Church believes and teaches that marriage is a sacrament, a symbol of the love that Jesus Christ has for his people, the church. As a sacrament, marriage is also a covenant by which a man and woman establish a partnership of love in Christ for the whole of their lives. Marriage is ordered toward the good of the spouse and the procreation and education of children. It is a life long commitment.

Using your own priest or deacon to officiate:

If you are not a parishioner and will use a priest or deacon from a parish other than St. Joseph, please make the following arrangements:



Visit the pastor of the bride at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. In a mixed marriage, visit the pastor of the Catholic party. Ask for written permission to marry outside of your parish.


Invite the Pastor, assistant Pastor, deacon or other priest to officiate at your wedding. The minister who agrees to officiate will be responsible for taking you through the marriage preparation program and fulfilling all Archdiocesan rules regarding publication of banns, obtaining dispensations for a mixed marriage, an annulment if previously married, etc. Please note that if the presider or any other minister who will take part in the ceremony is from outside of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, he will have to go through the Suitability to Minister process with the Archbishop of New Orleans.

Rental fee

For the use of the church:

$2400.00 (includes the services of a wedding sacristan and a security guard).

A non-refundable deposit of half the usage fee ($1200.00) is required upon booking the church. The balance is due no later than 30 days prior to the night of rehearsal.

Please note that free on-site parking is available for all weddings and rehearsals.

For additional information or to book a date for a wedding, please call the Wedding Coordinator at 504-522-3186, ext.141. Additional information can also be printed in PDF format; see available documents below.

Times available for weddings

Mondays through Saturdays – based on availability and the liturgical season.

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