Request a Prayer
We, at St. Joseph Parish, believe that God, in His mercy and compassion, answers each prayer in accordance to His will. Submit the form below to make your prayer, Mass naming, or candle lighting request. Information about any corresponding donations is listed below as well.
“So I say to you: Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” ~ (Luke 11:9-10)
Request a Prayer, Mass Naming, or Candle Lighting
To Request a Prayer, reserve a date to burn the Sanctuary Candle for someone, or for a special intention, or request a Mass Naming for someone, or a special intention, either call us at 504.522.3186, or use the form to the left for 24×7 online requests. Privacy and anonymous requests are respected. Donations for each are explained below and can be made in person, by mail, or through
Complete the form and review your information before submitting your Prayer Request, Mass Intention, or Candle Lighting. All such requests will be handled promptly.
To mail, or send an online donation with your Prayer Request, Mass Intention, or Candle Lighting, please click here. Any Prayer Request offering is left to your discretion. The Sanctuary Candle offering is $16 for 14 days. A Candle Lighting offering is $4.50. The offering for Mass intentions is $5.50 per person/intention per Mass. Please be sure to identify the purpose of your donation(s), whether email, or online. You will receive an email confirming your donation(s). You will also receive an email confirming your Prayer, Mass Intention, or Candle Lighting request has been received, as well.