Make a Donation

Give by Mail, Paypal, or in Church.
So many people give so generously to St. Joseph, which has made it one of the most vibrant parishes in the New Orleans area. Your offerings by mail, Paypal, or in Church allow St. Joseph to persevere in the Gospel mission of reaching out to others, as well as to preserve this venerable structure for generations to come. Of course, all donations are completely tax-deductible.
Gifts of Cash.
Please make checks payable to St. Joseph Church and mail to:
St. Joseph Catholic Church
1802 Tulane Avenue,
New Orleans, LA 70112
Other Types of Donations
Prayer Request, Mass Intention, or Candle Lighting Donations
Feel free to make your donation with a check payable to St. Joseph Church, or through PayPal.
St. Joseph Catholic Church
1802 Tulane Avenue,
New Orleans, LA 70112
Gifts of Securities
For transfer instructions, please contact the Parish office to discuss.
Matching Gifts
If your employer has a program for matching gifts, you may be able to increase your support of St. Joseph Parish. Please contact your employer’s human resources department to see whether it offers a matching gift program. If you’d like, please contact the Parish office to discuss.
Planned Giving
Making a planned gift ensures that St. Joseph Parish can sustain its ministries and programs for generations to come. By remembering the Parish in your will, living trust, life insurance policy, or retirement plan, you help ensure a bright future for our church. To learn more, please contact the Parish office to discuss.